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1Just like the experts dealing with the issues related to PV installations, I agree with the opinion that owning a solar power plant brings nothing but benefits – both economic and ecological ones. However, this industry is surrounded by many myths, which are mainly due to insufficient knowledge.
Eneria has decided to dispel such doubts and present arguments that debunk the most popular myths relating to solar PV.
According to the solar map of Poland, the insolation in most parts of the country exceeds 1,100 kWh/m. This amount is sufficient to produce electricity from solar energy. It is also important to remember that PV panels work all year round. The greatest efficiency is naturally recorded in summer, but the drop in this respect in autumn and winter is not as significant as one might expect. On cloudy days, the efficiency of high‑end cells only decreases by about 1-2%.
The surplus of generated electricity is “stored” by a power distribution company and can be used at any time. The settlement is based on the reading of the bi‑directional energy meter.
In addition, the efficiency of the installation can be monitored from anywhere in the world via an inverter. Using an app, it is possible to check how the panels are performing at any given moment or over any period of time.
The installation’ capacity is always selected according to the needs of a given client and priced on an individual basis. This is a standard market practice among all professional PV companies. The cost of this solution depends on factors such as the electricity demand of a household/business, the location of the plot intended for the ground-mounted installation, or the size of the roof and its position in relation to the geographical direction. According to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency, the prices of modules have fallen by about 80% since 2008. People often rely on the prices valid some time ago, without checking the current ones.
When analysing statistical data, it is possible to observe that the price of electricity in Poland has been steadily rising for more than a dozen years. This year alone, operators increased prices by an average of 13%.
Anyone who decides to install a PV system should remember about the funding available under the “Mój Prąd” (“My Electricity”) programme, which offers a refund of up to 50% of the investment amount, within a limit of PLN 5,000. At the moment, this programme applies to investors who purchase installations with a capacity between 2 and 10 kW. On the basis of the thermal modernisation relief, it is also possible to deduct up to PLN 53,000 from tax. Such a deduction can be done within six years of the year in which the expenditure is documented.
People who invest in photovoltaics get a return within an average of six to eight years or even faster – thanks to the abovementioned subsidy programmes.
As a general rule, roofs do not require structural reinforcement because they are built to withstand much higher loads than that resulting from a PV installation. However, some very old roofs may need such reinforcement. This is assessed on a case-by-case basis by a consultant during an audit. The load imposed by a PV system on the roof is not significant, amounting to approx. 15 kg/sqm.
Manufacturers usually offer a 25-year guarantee against a linear drop in efficiency of the installation. This does not mean that the panels stop working after 25 years. Instead, at that point the panels usually begin to operate at around 80-85% of their initial capacity (depending on the manufacturer), which is a very good result. Thus, an investment in solar PV does not last for years, but for generations. The oldest operating PV module can be found in Switzerland – the installation is 70 years old!
When building a new house, it is worth taking a PV installation into account. This will enable integrating the panels into the roof surface already at the planning stage. When it comes to existing buildings, the modules are installed in a discreet and aesthetically pleasing manner. It is recommended to use frameless thin-film panels. They easily fit into the surroundings and do not affect the aesthetics of any house.
A solar PV installation increases the value of a property for a potential buyer and constitutes an expression of a modern approach to life. However, if someone finds the panels unattractive, they can be placed on utility buildings. This solution has an additional advantage in the form of VAT at the rate of only 8%, instead of 23%.
This is the most absurd myth on this list. The production of energy from the Sun with the use of PV cells does not affect the health of any living beings – including humans. Solar panels work silently and do not emit chemicals, fumes or radiation.
The entire structure (including the panels) has no moving elements. Therefore, the solution is almost completely maintenance-free. The only major form of maintenance recommended by manufacturers is the contactless washing of the panels once a year. In practice, this task is performed by rain. Some PV suppliers also suggest carrying out annual servicing, which consists of checking the wiring parameters and making sure that the inverter has not registered any errors. If a given supplier does not offer this service as part of the package, the system’s owner has to prepare for an expense of around PLN 200-300 per year.
While PV panels are certainly not some strange ecological invention, when it comes to environmental protection, they offer nothing but advantages. Unlike conventional energy sources, solar PV is not only simultaneously quiet and efficient, but also does not emit CO2, exhaust fumes or radiation.
The construction law does not require obtaining a building permit for any PV installation with the capacity of up to 50 kW. It is only necessary to report the completed investment to the power distribution company with which a given person has concluded a distribution contract. To this end, it is sufficient to submit an application form and the technical specification of both the panels and the inverter. This applies to both roof- and ground-mounted installations.
All in all, it is clearly beneficial to own a PV installation. This solution not only is safe, efficient, emission-free and eco-friendly, but also ensures financial independence in relation to electricity supplied by power distribution companies.
In order to make sure that the panels, support structures and other components are of the highest quality, it is recommended to entrust the installation to a reputable company offering high-class products that will guarantee many years of efficient and trouble-free operation.
Autor: Tomasz Chomski
Ekspert ds. Rozwiązań Fotowoltaicznych
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