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22 201 36 60Hydrogen is obtained by electrolysis of water. This means that as long as we have water on Earth, the availability of hydrogen is infinite.
1 kg of hydrogen releases over 4 times more energy than 1 kg of coal and almost 2.5 times more than 1 kg of petrol.
Hydrogen provides for long-term electricity storage options.
The use of hydrogen in a fuel cell does not cause emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
Its high density makes hydrogen easy to store. It can be stored as a gas or a liquid, which offers attractive development opportunities.
Our products have been designed to minimize impact on the environment in order to strive for decarbonization. They are manufactured using low-emission materials, are scalable and recyclable.
The products have been tested in the most difficult conditions possible: humidity, salinity, vibration, extreme temperatures, etc.
Mass production allows us to offer affordable and efficient products and solutions. Their adaptability thanks to a simplified human-machine interface allows them to multiply their potential applications.
Eneria supports the development of hydrogen technologies
Monnoyeur and Eneria established the cooperation with Energy Observer Developments. As a result, first hydrogen power generators have been added to our product range.
The GEH2® hydrogen power generator is an independent, zero-emission hydrogen powered device, the advantages of which include, inter alia, low noise level, no unpleasant odours, immediate start.
Eneria is a distributor of GEH2 hydrogen power generators by EODev in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania and Algeria. The industrial partnership between EODev and Eneria will accelerate industrial manufacture, implementation and post-sale maintenance management for the GEH2® hydrogen power generator.
For Eneria, it is the next step to provide specific solutions having a positive impact on the environment.